Where Was Footgolf Invented? America or the Netherlands?

Where Was Footgolf Invented? There is some debate over where footgolf was first invented, but most agree the modern form of the game was invented in the Netherlands.

However, a game with roughly similar rules, codeball, achieved brief popularity in the United States during the late 1920s and thirties.

Where was Footgolf Invented?

It is not considered true that the sport of footgolf as we know it today (including attire, etiquette and general rules) was developed in the Netherlands by Bas Korsten and Michael Jansen in 2008.

Loosely basing it on a post-training game played by Korsten’s little brother – pro-foot. Footgolf was first played in the Netherlands in 2009.

How popular is Footgolf?

Footgolf is becoming more and more popular as the years go on.

The number of people playing this unique sport is growing rapidly, and it can now be found in many countries across the globe. There are even professional footgolf tournaments with large prize pools.

How does Footgolf work?

Footgolf is a sport that is growing in popularity.

It can be played by anyone, regardless of age or skill level. Footgolf is a combination of golf and soccer.

The object of the game is to kick a soccer ball into a golf hole in as few shots as possible. To score points, the ball must be kicked into the hole with the least amount of strokes possible.

The player who finishes the course in the fewest shots wins the game.  

The rules of Footgolf are very similar to those of golf. The only major difference is that players are allowed to use their feet instead of clubs to hit the ball.

Players must stay on the fairways at all times and cannot enter any areas that are designated for play by golfers. They are also not allowed to damage or disturb any vegetation or wildlife while playing Footgolf.

What do you need to play Footgolf?

To play footgolf, you need a soccer type ball and a golf course.

The ball used for Footgolf is a traditional size 5 soccer ball you can purchase from any department or sports store making the sport extremely cheap to get started.

The holes are typically placed farther apart than in traditional golf. Footgolf can be played as part of a tournament or simply for fun with friends.

What are the rules of Footgolf?

Footgolf consists in playing a ball with the foot from the starting point, which is usually called TEEing zone, until the ball is inside the hole, with one or more kicks by play according to the rules.

The game is played on the Footgolf Courses, which consist of nine or eighteen holes of varying lengths and expected number of kicks required to complete it (called Par).

In between holes, contestants must go over bodies of water and bunkers, while making their way forward. The Green Zone is where the hole is, mainly called the Green Area.

The Committee or authority decides where the boundaries, obstacles, starting points, and zones of the course will be. Holes must be completed in a line from the starting area or one after another.

What are the formats of Footgolf?

The two most accepted forms of Footgolf are Stroke play and Match play, which mirror the formats of their traditional golf counterparts.

According to the American Footgolf Association, the rules are as follows:

1-2-1 Stroke play

A stroke play competition means that the players finish every section of a prescribed round or rounds, and in connection with every single round they give back their scorecards, on which the gross values of all sections are indicated.

In the competition, all players are playing against all other players. The player who plays the prescribed round or rounds with the lowest number of kicks becomes the winner.

1-2-2 Match play

During a match, one of the parties’ plays against the other party in a determined round. In match play, the game is played based on sections (holes).

Apart from the situation where the rules regulate the case otherwise, the party who manages to get its ball into the hole with the lower number of kicks wins the section.

– American Footgolf Association

Sign Me Up! Where Can I Play?

Footgolf is a relatively new sport that is played by kicking a football into a hole in the ground.

It is said to have been invented in the Netherlands in 2009, and has since spread to other countries.

If you are interested in playing Footgolf in the US, you can find a course near you by visiting the Footgolf Association of America website, else refer to the below list for a Footgolf association in your country.

List of International Footgolf Associations